Education & Prevention

La Casa, Inc. believes in prevention of domestic violence and abuse. As a result, our team works diligently to raise public awareness about domestic violence and abuse and about all services offered at La Casa, Inc. Currently, our focus is doing presentations in the school system to prevent our youth from abusive situations. However, we are available to the entire community through advocacy, tablings and presentations.

To invite us to present, please send us an email, at least two weeks prior to the event in question. In addition, we have employees dedicated to rural outreach. It is important to us to ensure that the often forgotten rural communities know that they have a voice and that we are willing and able to help them as well. We have an advocate available to work within these communities to offer all of the services we offer at our main campus in Las Cruces. For convenience, we operate an office in Anthony, NM. That office is fully staffed and offers the same services we offer at our main campus.

If you are in need of any services related to domestic violence, feel free to call, visit or email us.

Education and Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

Simply put, knowledge is power. The more we can inform and educate people about domestic violence and sexual assault, the closer we can get to eliminating it.

What is Abuse?

Domestic violence is not always easy to define. Learn more about what abuse is.

Domestic violence is a pattern of learned behavior in which one person uses assaultive and controlling behaviors against another (an intimate partner) to maintain power and control. This can include physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse and stalking. Violence can occur in any kind of relationship: marriage, dating or same sex. It can also take many forms and can happen all the time or once in a while.

  • Verbal name-calling or put-downs
  • Actual or threatened physical harm
  • Sexual assault
  • Keeping a partner from contacting their family or friends
  • Stalking
  • Withholding money
  • Stopping a partner from getting or keeping a job
  • Intimidation

If you are being abused, please remember it is not your fault. You don’t deserve this, and no matter how scary it is, you are not alone. La Casa, Inc. is here to help.

Here are some ways to be mindful of the culture influences in your day-to-day life

  • Avoid buying entertainment that glorifies sexual violence and the objectification of women and girls.
  • Learn how racism, sexism and homophobia are connected.
  • Learn about power and control tactics.
  • Do a Google search for “rape” and see that most of the results are for pornography, not prevention.
  • Understand that putting boys and men down by calling them “ladies” and “girls” hurts everyone.
  • Celebrate all aspects of masculinity, including compassion and sensitivity.
  • Understand how cultural beliefs contribute to interpersonal violence and support ways to encourage it to stop before it affects another generation.
  • Let boys cry.
  • Praise women and girls for something other than the way they look.
  • Respect every person’s — even a child’s — right to say no.